Infoveranstaltung: "Run for your life" von der Arktis nach Paris

Freitag, 11. September 2015, 20:00 Uhr

Humanity is standing on the brink of a climate catastrophe. Soon it will be too late. In November, thousands of people will tell their stories and run thousands of kilometres, from the Arctic to Paris, to promote climate justice and a sustainable future.

The relay will start in the Arctic region and end in Paris at the climate conference COP21. It will cover over 4000 kilometers and last for about 21 days, it will go on 24/7 and will involve thousands of people. Every participant will tell their own story and share their personal reasons for taking action. Local events will be organised all along the route.

The race will pass through the Rhineland during November 27th. Do you want to help us organize Run for your life in Germany? Do you want to run? Do you want to contribute with your personal experience or opinion about climate change?

Welcome to this meeting!

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